Session on what does it mean for a Parliament to be Modern in the Age of Emerging Technologies.
How it was
On February 8th, 2024, Bússola Tech hosted an enlightening panel discussion titled "What does it mean for a Parliament to be Modern in the Age of Emerging Technologies?" This session was part of a broader dialogue focusing on the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies in transforming parliamentary operations across the globe.
Moderated by Luís Kimaid, the Executive-Director of Bússola Tech, the panel featured panellists from diverse Parliaments, including Mr. Arturo D'Antonio, Parliamentary Counsellor from the Camera dei deputati of Italy, Mr. Claus Koggel, Director-General from the Bundesrat of Germany, Mr. Claudio Nazareno, Legislative Counsel from the Câmara dos Deputados of Brazil, Mr. Jonathan Ruckert, CEO from NovaWorks® Australia, and Mr. Wade Ballou, Chief Legislative Counsel from the U.S. House of Representatives.
The discussion kicked off with each participant presenting their insights on how advanced technologies could be harnessed to revitalise parliamentary operations. They shared experiences from their respective institutions, shedding light on both the vast potential and the hurdles in integrating AI into the legislative environment.
As the debate unfolded, the conversation delved into the procedural and administrative challenges of adopting AI technologies in legislative workflows. The panellists provided a candid look at the obstacles they face, from ethical considerations and data privacy concerns to budgetary constraints and the need for cultural shifts within parliamentary institutions.
A focal point of the session was the exchange of experiences and best practices among parliaments. The participants discussed the critical factors in assessing AI projects from other legislatures, emphasising the importance of compatibility, legal frameworks, and the alignment of AI initiatives with the unique needs of each parliament.
The dialogue also touched upon the delicate balance between leveraging technology to enhance democratic processes and preserving the human essence of governance. The panellists explored the implications of AI on democratic engagement, the transparency of legislative processes, and the accountability of decision-making.
In wrapping up, the discussion underscored the necessity of strategic financial planning and resource allocation to support the sustainable integration of AI and other technologies in parliamentary operations. The participants highlighted the need for continued collaboration and knowledge sharing to navigate the complexities of modernising parliaments with technology.
The panel concluded on a note of optimism, recognizing the transformative power of emerging technologies in parliamentary contexts while acknowledging the careful stewardship required to ensure these tools serve to strengthen, not diminish, the democratic process.
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