Panel Discussion on Artificial Intelligence in Parliaments - Implementation of Speech to Text Technologies in Hansard
How it was
On May 14th, 2024, Bússola Tech hosted a panel discussion titled "Artificial Intelligence in Parliaments - Implementation of Speech to Text Technologies in Hansard." This session aimed to explore the practical applications of automatic speech recognition (ASR) technologies for optimizing the Hansard production process in various parliamentary settings.
Moderated by Mr. Luís Kimaid, the Executive-Director from Bússola Tech, the panel featured prominent participants: Mr. Brahma Mishra, CEO of MeetMonk; Dr. Fotios Fitsilis, Head of the Scientific Unit of the Hellenic Parliament; and Mr. André Galvão, Editor of Debates at the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil.
The session began with each speaker providing a brief overview of current or prospective uses of ASR tools in their respective parliamentary operations. They discussed specific implementations, emphasizing both the advantages and challenges of integrating ASR into the Hansard production process. The speakers focused on the importance of ensuring accuracy, accessibility, and compliance with parliamentary rules and procedures.
A significant portion of the discussion centered on the compatibility of ASR systems with existing legislative tools and databases. The speakers shared strategies for integrating ASR to streamline access to relevant information and facilitate real-time transcription. They also addressed how to maintain accuracy and reliability in transcriptions amidst the increasing use of automation, highlighting the importance of human oversight in the process.
In conclusion, the panel underscored the transformative potential of ASR technologies in improving the efficiency and accuracy of Hansard production. The discussion highlighted the need for collaborative efforts among parliaments to ensure the responsible and effective implementation of these technologies, while maintaining the integrity and security of parliamentary records.
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